the ghetto bitch.
okay, okay. i promised pictures.
but, first of all, i have to apologise to freda and xuan dearest, for not being able to go today. really sorry. mom's really being a bitch. so, sorry. ((:
anyways, as a warning, this is a major photoblog.
so, you should like go do your other stuffs first while waiting for this page to load.
daddydearest and i.
the girls.
hot&sexy club. hurhur.
the long; nat.manda.fel.
the short; licia.huiling.caleen.
cal, nat and i.
job hunting day.
seriously speaking, no one wants to hire me. :( except for my dad, who wants to give me a no brainer job just like mwen, which i don't want.
wind and i.
![]( + wind; the stupid extra. dom, is the cutest person ever i tell you. haha.
i just LOVE chanel. ((:
randoms outside taka.
roanny = spastic.
i have no idea what roanny is doing.
at heeren.
those poor cows.
ellie and i. his first trip to sentosa. riding the luge. ((:
that's all i'm gonna put up today. the rest another day. there are like TONNES more. haha. ((:
anyways, yesterday went to town with fre and xuan. it was fun. haha. we ended up siting on one of the high pillars at the entrance of taka just to catch up and snap some pictures. well, i think that might be an understatement. haha. anyways, we weren't wanting it, but we attracted alot of attention. and i think my stiletto impaled some poor peoples' head. HAHA. sorry. of course, there was billy bombers and mos burger as well as following fre around doing her little errands. so sorry bout today and not being able to sleep over yesterday night. :( orchard's super busy. and, i really have no mood to shop. no mood for anything much these days. :( anyways, hopefully we can do breakfast tomorrow da, before you leave. ((:
i'm still so damn tired.
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